The Cost of a Sinkhole Repair

Sinkholes are one of the natural components in Florida’s geological landscape and can cause extensive property damage. Homeowners should proactively safeguard their home from sinkholes and be aware of the associated costs for a sinkhole repair. Structural engineers perform sinkhole repairs and the cost depends on the extent of damage, square footage of the affected area and measurements of the amount of structure that needs to be remediated.

No two sinkholes are alike, making it difficult to gauge the average cost for a sinkhole repair. A small sinkhole with minimal damage to the structure may cost anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000. However, sinkholes that cause extensive damage and need a significant amount of work to repair or revive the structure, may be much pricier, costing anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000, or more.

Sinkhole repairs performed by a structural engineer are costly due to the preparation, testing, procedures and materials that go into the investigation. At Crosstown Engineering, engineering professionals perform many types of inspections including: visual sinkhole inspections, geology and hydrogeology of the area, groundwater hydrologic analyses and compaction grouting plans. At the sinkhole site, engineers use these types of investigation methods to determine the cause of the sinkhole as well as possible repair and remediation plans.

During the sinkhole investigation, a structural engineer will evaluate the damage and associated costs based on a variety of factors. These factors include:

  • Property layout
  • Depth of the sinkhole
  • Severity of the remediation method
  • Cost of materials, tools and any other methods that will fix the damage caused by the sink hole
  • Additional fees such as restoration or monitoring

The best way to alleviate costs associated with sinkhole repair is for homeowners to hire professional, experienced engineers to inspect their home if they suspect any damage, no matter how small. Homeowners who ignore small cracks or foundation issues could cause further damage and monetary expenses in the long run.

If you have questions on the cost of a sinkhole inspection in Florida, or would like to speak to a structural engineer regarding the integrity of your home, contact Crosstown Engineering today.