Structural Engineering Experts
The Services of a Structural Engineer in Seguin
When Do Property Owners Hire a Structural Engineer?
There are several instances when a Seguin property owner may want to hire a structural engineer. One would be when signs of foundation movement develop, such as cracks, doors that don’t shut, or humps in the floor. Another would be to assess the damage to a building or home after a large storm. If you have a 10-year builder’s warranty, you will want to hire a structural engineer to perform a final inspection before your warranty expires. And finally, whenever you consider removing walls for a renovation project. In any of these circumstances, Crosstown Engineering can provide the expert structural engineering services you need for your Seguin home or building.
Storm Damage Assessment
Hail, high winds, and tornadoes can cause significant damage to your Seguin home or building. A strong hailstorm can damage your roof shingles and your siding. Your insurance company will send their own expert to evaluate the damage if you file a claim. However, if you want an independent assessment that has the backing of professional authority, hire a structural engineer. They can do a separate evaluation as to the cause and the extent of the damage.
If there is more severe damage, you will want a structural engineer to determine the safety of the home and the proper way to address the damages. Examples might be a tree crashing through your roof or a tornado shifting the building on its foundation.
Call Crosstown Engineering for an independent, professional opinion on your storm damages.
Removing Walls for Renovations
Some walls in a home or other structure can be removed without any concern. They are not essential to the support of the structure. Walls that are essential for the structural integrity of a building are called load-bearing walls. These walls can sometimes be removed also, but only if you provide another form of structural support in its place. Before you ever start a demo on your project, consult with a structural engineer about any walls you intend to remove. They can determine which walls are load-bearing and which are not. They can also provide you with a properly engineered solution for providing support in other ways while the wall is being removed and afterward.
Call Crosstown Engineering to request a consultation.
Inspecting Foundations for Movement
Your foundation is a critical construction component. Every foundation should be properly engineered to provide the support needed for the building it holds. Even when this has been done, foundations can shift or move over time. When this happens, it can negatively affect the building in a number of ways. Hiring a structural engineer to perform a foundation inspection has the potential to save the property owner money. A structural engineer can provide an unbiased opinion on whether repairs are needed or not. A structural engineer can also advise a property owner on which repair method to choose for both value and integrity.
Builder’s Warranty Inspection
Many builders provide a 10-year structural warranty on the homes they build. If you have a builder’s warranty on your home, it is up to you, the owner, to schedule a structural inspection prior to the expiration date of your warranty. A licensed structural engineer must perform this type of inspection. If you are approaching the 10-year anniversary of your home, schedule your builder’s warranty inspection.
Pier and Beam Foundation Inspections
Hiring a Structural Engineer for Foundation Inspections
If your home has a crawlspace under it, then it is safe to assume that you have a pier and beam foundation. Pier and beam and concrete slab foundations are the two most common types in Seguin, Texas. Several different factors that can affect the integrity of a pier and beam foundation. To do a complete inspection of a pier and beam foundation, your inspecting professional should crawl the entire foundation area to inspect each beam and foundation pier.
When our structural engineers inspect these types of foundations, we are looking for signs of termite infestation, moisture damage to wood components of the foundation, and any sign of inadequate drainage for the foundation. As structural engineers, we can provide a thorough inspection report that includes suggestions for fixing the foundation if necessary. Don’t leave your foundation inspection to amateurs.
Engineered Foundation Repair Plans for Seguin Buildings
Repair Oversight by a Structural Engineer
If your foundation inspection report recommends repair of your foundation (which isn’t always the case), your structural engineer from Crosstown can provide the engineered repair plans necessary. You will need these repair plans to apply for a permit from your local city or county.
Crosstown Engineering cannot perform the foundation repairs for you. But we will be happy to recommend reputable foundation repair companies to do the repair work. To ensure that our engineered repair plans are completed correctly, we can provide construction oversight and an inspection upon completion of the work.
Call us to schedule your foundation inspection. It’s time to get started.
Crosstown Engineering – Seguin Structural Inspection Experts
When it comes to professional opinions in the construction industry, a structural engineer is considered one of the most respected. At Crosstown Engineering, we take our work and reputation seriously. We know Seguin property owners and contractors are dependent on our thoroughness and expertise.