Structural Engineering Experts
When Should You Hire a Structural Engineer?
Foundations – Roofs – Attics – Load-bearing Walls
If a building lacks structural integrity, building components can begin to bend, move and shift or eventually crack, split or fracture and cause livability issues. In the worst-case scenario, a home or building could actually collapse. Foundational support and roof/attic support are two critical areas related to structural integrity. It is important for these areas to be assessed by a structural engineer when there is evidence of a problem.
Structural Issues with Attics and Roofs
Structural problems with Garland roofs and attics sometimes surface following tornadoes and other types of major storms. If your roof has been damaged in a storm by a falling tree or any other incident, it is important to have your roof and attic structure assessed. A structural engineer can go beyond assessment and provide recommendations on what needs to be done to properly fix the problem.
Our engineers at Crosstown Engineering can also give professional opinions on roof and siding damage to verify hail as the cause.
Removing Load-Bearing Walls
A common question when remodeling a home or commercial building is whether a wall is load-bearing or not. If it is a load-bearing wall, removing the wall safely and installing new structural support should only be done with the oversight of a structural engineer. Don’t risk your home to save a few dollars. Hire an expert to make sure it is done right.
Foundation Inspections
One of the most important aspects of a foundation inspection is determining the root cause of any damage discovered. Foundation inspections that are not performed by Garland structural engineers can misdiagnose the cause of foundation movement or offer improper solutions. At Crosstown Engineering, foundation inspections are our specialty. No one does a more thorough assessment of the problem and recommendations related to remediation.
10-Year Builder’s Warranty
If you are reaching the 10-year anniversary of the construction of your home, it may be time for a builder’s structural warranty inspection. These inspections must be done by a structural engineer. If you have a Builder’s Warranty on your home, give us a call to schedule your inspection before your warranty expires.
Foundation Inspection by Structural Engineers
Pier and Beam Foundation Experts
Pier and beam foundations are common in the Garland area of Texas. Instead of being built on a concrete slab, a pier and beam foundation lifts the building off the ground, leaving a crawlspace underneath. When we perform a pier and beam foundation inspection, we will always crawl the entire foundation area if it is possible. This type of thorough visual inspection is the only way to get an accurate assessment of all the piers and beams.
With pier and beam foundation inspections, we look for deterioration or rotting of wood components. We also look for evidence of termite infestation, which could compromise the strength of the wood structure. The most common issue with this type of foundation is related to moisture in the soil from inadequate drainage. Regardless of the causes of foundation movement or deterioration, we provide a detailed report that includes our recommendations for foundation repair.
If you suspect foundation problems, give us a call at Crosstown Engineering to schedule a foundation inspection.
Oversight of Foundation Repairs
Foundation Repair Plans
Once your foundation inspection report has been completed, it is time to complete repairs if any were recommended. Crosstown Engineering provides engineered foundation repair plans that will be important when applying for your construction permit. We can also recommend reputable foundation repair contractors to perform those repairs.
It is important to have a structural engineer oversee foundation repairs. As an independent third party, an engineer can verify that your contractor is performing the repair as per the plans. Once the repairs are complete, the engineer can perform a final inspection to determine if the work was completed properly.
When it comes to foundation repair, Crosstown Engineering is the expert that you want overseeing your project. Give us a call.
Crosstown Engineering – Garland Structural Engineering Experts
Our Garland engineers are experienced in structural inspection for all types of construction – industrial, commercial, multi-family, and residential. We are held accountable through licensing (something that isn’t true with most foundation repair contractors).